A downloadable Music Player

This program is a clumsy attempt to create a music player that I would have liked.
Hope you like it.

No Music Found:

When you first open it, it will show you the text 'No Music Found', this is because no music was found in the folder. To fix this, go to the 'data/song' folder and insert the music there.

Yes, you have to download songs.

Why is my program not opening?

This program is designed only for windows, i didn't try it on mac or linux.

If you're on windows and you can no longer reopen the program, maybe you messed up with colors. Go into the 'data/setting.txt' file, and write in the second line #151515, and in the third line #FFA500(Default colors).


  1.  Line: Volume (0 - 1)
  2.  Line: Primary color
  3.  Line: Secondary color


Created by ImYuroo

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